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Erica's Blog

The holiday season represents so many things: the gathering of loved ones, wrapping ourselves in the warmth of a fire or mug of hot cocoa, showing our loved ones how we feel with gifts, and a slowing down of the time, reflecting on the year. I love essential oils that really bring the holiday vibe, including sacred Frankincense, heartwarming Cinnamon, inspiring Sweet Orange, spicy Ginger, zesty Peppermint and inspiring Allspice! Blending or using as a single note fills my space with a powerful reminder to stop and take a breath amidst the hustle and bustle. I also love making skin nourishing butters and balms to soothe my dry skin, or blend up an amazing pain relieving oil for my massage clients. They are beautiful reminders to quiet down, settle in and be grateful.

Happy Holidays and Happy Blending!

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Depending on the zone you are in, it may be time to winterize your garden! I live in The Adirondack Park and we are already getting frost at night; so I have begun the process~ Here are some tips for winterizing your garden! *Clear the weeds and branches out of your raised beds. Leaving dead plant material or weeds can cause issues next spring. If weeds have taken over, cover with cardboard to kill them over the winter.

*If your soil is uneven, taking time to level it out now will save you a step next spring! Fill in gaps and rake it even. *Cover your bed with some organic mulch, compost, or leaves to help nourish and protect the soil. *Repair any support structures of your raised beds. *Make a mental note of your latest garden of what worked, and what didn't so you know for next year!

Winterizing your garden ensures good planting next year!


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August is such an amazing month and also happens to be my birthday month! This year I turn 40 and it has been a great reminder to take stock in things, and reflect on my gratitude. The late summer warmth, the yellowing of the trees, and the slowing down of pace set the tone for the transition into Autumn. This blend features summery notes with just a touch of earthiness. Gingergrass blends beautifully with citrus oils, and Bitter Orange is a nice change of pace from Sweet Orange. Adding Hyssop rounds out the notes and leaves a beautiful full bodied oil. Added to a diffuser or in a 1% topical dilution (maybe in sunflower oil!), this blend is immune supportive, emotionally uplifting and skin nourishing.

I encourage you to take a few moments to yourself as the season comes to a close. Reflect in gratitude and joy, and prep your body, mind and spirit for the next season. Happy Blending!

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