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Erica's Blog

While the internet has changed the world and brought a plethora of information to our fingertips, with this information overload comes false information and misguidance. We've all seen posts and articles of statements on the false benefits of essential oils; or in some cases, overblown stories intended to scare people. It can be overwhelming and confusing, and I often have clients contact me with questions looking for information. So how do we know what is real and what is not?

The key is to consider the source. Where (or from who) is the information coming from? Is their work cited? Does it contain legitimate sources? Are they an aromatherapy professional?

Often when I am researching, I go straight for the sources that I know and trust. The Aromahead Institute, the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapists, The Herbal Academy, the Alliance of International Aromatherapists or the Tisserand Institute. These organizations stand by their research, cite their sources and work in a non-biased, completely professional way. I know their information is correct and validated, giving me confidence.

Sometimes the cacophony of the internet noise drowns out quality information and it's important to research in a meaningful way to ensure safety and quality.

Enjoy the process!


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Welcome everyone! My name is Erica Keays and I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 2004. I attended the Center for Natural Wellness; School of Massage Therapy in Albany, New York. I happily continued my education and received my advanced graduate certificate from the Aromahead Institute in Syracuse, New York in 2017 and completed the Advanced Herbalism course through the Herbal Academy.

I am a former massage therapy instructor and a member of the National Association of Holistic roAmatherapists, the Alliance of International Aromatherapists, the International Cupping Therapy Association and the Association of Bodywork & Massage Professionals.

I am also an accredited instructor with the National Certification board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. I have the honor of being an Usui Reiki Master Practitioner which I am proud of and I run the Spa Studio Adirondacks LLC - a day spa in Queensbury, New York. I live with my husband and son in the great Adirondacks in which I love to be surrounded by nature every single day.

Thank you for stopping by :)

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Updated: Mar 11, 2021


I once read an article where an author stated that if people are only using essential oils for a nice scent, then they are not using them properly. It stuck me deep. Is that true? Must we use essential oils therapeutically to reap the benefits? Does it count as aromatherapy if we only diffuse something because of the way it smells?

I disagree. We know that one of the most powerful methods for enjoying essential oils is via olfaction. Scent has a powerful effect on our limbic system, which houses our memory and emotion. If we inhale the aroma of something we love, even without knowing its therapeutic components, the effect is no less therapeutic.

Think of your favorite scents. Your grandmother's perfume. The coffee shop aroma. Your infant's hair. These all bring about a wonderful warm feeling and sweet memories, that bring pleasure and joy to our minds and hearts. What is more therapeutic than that?

Essential oils have powerful therapeutic components. And when used in therapeutic settings for specific purposes they reach their true potential. But never discount the benefits of diffusing or inhaling an oil simply because you love the aroma.

The pleasure of it is therapeutic enough...

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