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Erica's Blog

February evokes many feelings: the fatigue of the long winter, the romance of Valentine’s Day, and the excitement of the Superbowl. The Groundhog has seen his shadow, with 6 weeks of winter to go. While the days seem to be getting longer, the deep cold of midwinter can leave us feeling frustrated, exhausted, and depressed. The extreme cold has kept many of us from getting the much-needed sunlight and fresh air we need. We may be turning to comfort food, and easing off the self care rituals that are helpful. It is all normal. And, of course, the political hotbed of our daily news cycle, the terrible fires in California, and the influx of tragedy that dominates our social media feeds compounds these feelings. We are all feeling it. I see it with my massage clients, who are aching, tired and sad. I feel it in my own habits and those in my family. Sickness also abounds. So how do we care for ourselves in these dark days?

Taking small steps, making small changes, and embracing the nurturing that we so desperately need. Perhaps start with drinking some more water, or walking on an indoor track. Fill your space with some new plants, or pick up an uplifting novel ar your local bookstore. Try some gentle yoga, or a new herbal tea recipe. Soak in a warm tub with epsom salts or journal your feelings. Invite friends over for dinner or take in a movie. Try a new recipe with veggies to give yourself a boost.

If essential oils speak to you, try diffusing some uplifting oils, like Sweet Orange, Bergamot, Pink Grapefruit or Spearmint. Refresh your space with some bright oils. A therapeutic massage, or a pampering facial or pedicure are perfect ways to get in tune with your body and give yourself a boost.

By putting ourselves first, we can reinvigorate our energy and our bloom.

Spring will be here soon enough. In the meantime, take care of yourself in body, mind, and spirit. You deserve it.

Happy Blending, and Keep Blooming!

I love the holidays but find this time of year can be exhausting. Cramming in holiday events, shopping, wrapping and hiding gifts, a busy workload, school events, and my son's sports schedule leave me little time to unwind and center myself. Don't get me wrong- I am blessed to have a busy life, but I also get depleted energetically, physically, and mentally if I am not vigilant. However, the self-care mantras get overwhelming, and frankly, I don't always have time to do indulge. So how do we support ourselves during this busy time of year? Simply reminding ourselves to slow down. Remind ourselves to take a moment, however brief, to breathe deep, say a little prayer, or meditate. Five minutes is more than enough. Take a walk, read a chapter of a book, sketch a doodle or crochet. These small experiences can have a significant impact on our mental health this time of year. I love adding some uplifting oils to my diffuser, such as Sweet Orange, Lemongrass or Spike Lavender. Herbal tea is a must have for me, but hot cocoa is always a nice treat. I also love restorative yoga this time of year, as our energies wind down. I find it helps alleviate the strain on my body, and at 42, I need that. This time of year can also be a sad time for many, and in this precarious political landscape, it is easy to feel depressed. I encourage to you to seek the support you need to guide you and get bodywork when you can. Remember, it does not have to be a hustle; it does not have to be a grind. Ease into the holiday season with grace, and slow pace and give yourself the gift of rest. You deserve it. Happy Holidays, and Peace, Love & Bear Hugs.

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I adore the autumn~ it is truly my favorite season! The cooler weather, fall foliage, and Halloween evoke a spirit in me that I love! I have some special occasions that mean so much to me in the fall, including my son's birthday and my wedding anniversary. As a massage therapist, I find the slowing down of the year is the perfect time to receive bodywork. The hustle of the holidays is around the corner, and autumnal massage is restorative and nurturing! Aromatehrapy-speaking, I turn to my warming oils: cinnamon bark, black pepper, clove bud, and cardamom work well for inflammation, pain, muscle soreness, and digestive support! Either in my diffuser or in a massage blend, spice oils warm the spirit and support the mind and body! It is also a great time of year to whip up fire cider and eucalyptus salve for immune support!

I wish everyone a fantastic fall of apple picking, pumpkin carving, and caring for yourselves! Keep blooming!

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Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Aromatherapist & Herbalist

Tel: 518-879-9269

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