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With Mother’s Day fast approaching, it got me thinking about Lavender, in my opinion, the mother of all essentail oils. True lavender (lavendula angustofolia) is wildly popular, very accessible and a powerhouse in the bath and beauty industry. But at her heart, she is a gorgeous herbs with beautiful flower, who is capable of so many things. She grows all over the world, and has brought joy, peace and comfort to all she touches. Like a mother should. Lavender is reknowed for its relaxing capabilities, and is an effective nervine and sleep supporter. Lavender is also an incredible pain reliever and antiinflammatory oil. One of the reasons it works well in a massage oil is its versatility and familiarity. I think of my own mother- beautiful, strong, capable- and I am reminded at how lucky we are to live on beuatiful mother earth, and how she provides what we need.

On the massage front, I recently taught a 2-day, “Massage for Women’s Health” course, focusing on reproductive pathologies and how therapeutic massage can support the body. It was soul nourishing to see a room full of women, treating each other in compassion, kindness and empathy. And we used a lot of Lavender! Happy Mother's Day!

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