April is a bustling month, and Spring is in full swing! Throw open the windows, clean out the closets, and breathe in the fresh air! While Easter is early this year, it kicks the season into high gear. It is essential to keep ourselves grounded and embrace the change.
Professionally, I am on the move! I will be at the AMTA-NY convention in Albany, New York, with a Bloom booth, featuring oils, massage supplies, CE boxes, and more! I also will be presenting for NYSSMMT on April 10th, with a virtual presentation of “Massage & Menopause,” a one-CE live webinar!
I look forward to seeing everyone in May in beautiful Saranac Lake, New York for “Massage and Women’s Health”, my newest CE offering~ 16 CEUS and so much information! My virtual offerings are expanding as well and I look forward to a busy season!
Add some floral oils to your home or office diffuser for a refreshing and uplifting scent: geranium, hyssop, lavender, jasmine and rose are all powerful essential oils and can be utilized safely diluted in a carrier for some topical support as well.
Get outside, enjoy and take care of yourself!